school and pre-k resources
To be compliant with the state Health and Safety Code, Sections 120325-120375, public and private pre-kindergarten facilities, elementary and secondary schools in California are required to check immunization records for all new student admissions, along with all students advancing to 7th grade before entry.
Below are resources for public and private schools, pre-kindergarten facilities, parents, and providers to assist with enrollment. If you are an academic institution or clinical organization that would like onsite training about these new laws, please visit the training request page.
School districts and other educational institutions have the authority to require stricter guidelines. For parents/guardians, please refer to your child's school for additional immunization requirements.
Immunization services are available throughout San Diego County. For more information, please visit the County of San Diego's Immunization Clinics,
The primary source for clarifications and questions regarding school immunization law is www.shotsforschool.org. We encourage you to visit the site for complete details of the state statutes for California school immunizations.
job Aids
Summary of 2022 IAC Pediatric Immunization Schedule
CDPH Catch-up Schedule for School
2019 CA School Immunization Record (blue book) (CDPH)