HPV Vaccine Lunch & Learn 2017
CCAP HPV Forum 2017
ACS Resources
HPV and Oral Health
The HPV Initiative aims to increase HPV vaccine uptake by providing education to San Diego County providers and the community.
Active partners (as of June 2017):
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Cancer Society
Borrego Health
Cancer Care Access Partnership
County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency
Kaiser Permanente
UCSD, Moores Cancer Center
UCSD, Skaggs School of Pharmacy
To participate in meetings and activities, contact Eugene.Beronilla@sdcounty.ca.gov.
Cancer Prevention Through HPV Vaccination in Your Practice: An Action Guide
The Clinician and System Action Guides are a suite of six booklets tailored to specific professional audiences.
The guides communicate the collective guidance of the HPV Roundtable for health care providers, decision makers and support staff to implement key interventions and strategies to raise HPV vaccination rates. Content is the result of collaboration among top national thought leaders, practitioners and organizations. We believe health care professionals at every level can be part of preventing HPV cancers and pre-cancers.
The guides available include:
Physician/Physician Assistant/Nurse Practitioner Guide
Nurse & Medical Assistant Guide
Dental Health Professionals Guide
Large Health Systems Guide
Office Team Guide
Small Private Practices Guide
American Cancer Society HPV Vaccine Resources
National HPV Vaccination Roundtable Resources:
Elearning module: Increasing Adolescent Immunization Coverage—free 1-credit CME or non-credit version
Cancer Prevention Through HPV Vaccination in Your Practice: An Action Guide
Human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause serious health problems, including genital warts and certain cancers. However, in most cases HPV goes away on its own before causing any health problems.
What is genital HPV?
Genital human papillomavirus (also called HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the U.S. Most types of HPV are not harmful to people. There are more than 40 types of HPV that can infect the genital areas as well as the mouth and throat. Most people who become infected with HPV do not know that they are infected.
What is oral HPV?
The same types of HPV that infect the genital areas can infect the mouth and throat. HPV found in the mouth and throat is called “oral HPV.” Some types of oral HPV (known as “high risk types”) can cause cancers of the head and neck area. Other types of oral HPV (known as “low risk types”) can cause warts in the mouth or throat. In most cases, HPV infections of all types go away before they cause any health problems.
What head and neck cancers can be caused by HPV?
HPV can cause cancers in the back of the throat, most commonly in the base of the tongue and tonsils, in an area known as the “oropharynx.” These cancers are called “oropharyngeal cancers.”
How does HPV cause cancer?
HPV can cause normal cells in infected skin to turn abnormal. Most of the time, you cannot see or feel these cell changes. In most cases, the body fights off the HPV infection naturally and infected cells then go back to normal. But in cases when the body does not fight off this virus, HPV can cause visible changes and certain types of HPV can cause an oropharyngeal cancer. Cancer caused by HPV often takes years to develop after initially getting an HPV infection. It is unclear if having HPV alone is sufficient to cause oropharyngeal cancers, or if other factors (such as smoking or chewing tobacco) interact with HPV to cause these cancers. More research is needed to understand all the factors leading to oropharyngeal cancers.
Download the following resource by HPV can cause cancers in the back of the throat, most commonly in the base of the tongue and tonsils, in an area known as the “oropharynx.” These cancers are called “oropharyngeal cancers.”
Dental Health Provider Resources
Below are homegrown dental health provider resources developed by the Dental Health Initiative from County of San Diego Health and Human Services. Click on the images to download a PDF copy of each.
Info for oral health providers
Info for community members
This gathering was co-sponsored by the local American Cancer Society, Health Center Partners of Southern California, and the San Diego Immunization Coalition.
The inaugural "roll call" stemmed from the desire to start a more cohesive dialogue among all the different pockets of individuals and programs working to decrease HPV infection throughout San Diego County. The vision was that by bringing these programs together, we could share best practices, inspire possible collaborations, and build a community of HPV vaccine support through the Cancer Vaccine Workgroup.
Twelve presentations were made representing FQHCs, health systems, pharmacies, dentists, research, community based organizations, and volunteer groups. This may become an annual meeting as there are more programs and individuals that share our endeavor to reduce HPV infections.
Click here to view the presentations. Please note slides augment oral presentations.
SDIC initiated this event by fostering a collaboration between Prevent Cancer Foundation, the fiscal agent, and the local Healthy San Diego Health Education & Cultural/Linguistics Workgroup, which comprises of local health plans:
Community Health Group
Health Net
Kaiser Permanente
The special keynote speaker was the Tony award winner, Marissa Winokur from Hairspray.
Cancer Care Access Partnership,
HPV Forum Planning Committee (l-r):
Eugene Beronilla, MPH, San Diego Immunization Program
Natalie Svistoonoff, MPH, Project Concern International
Haley Erickson, MPH, Care1st Health Plan
Giovanna Perez, UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center
Karina Moyano, MPH, American Cancer Society
Jesse Nodora, DrPH, UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center
The Cancer Care Access Partnership hosted Same Day, Same Way, a free HPV forum on June 22, 2017 at the UCSD Moores Cancer Center.
The following resources were available to participants, along with an offer for free technical assistance. Please contact Karina.Moyano@cancer.org if your organization or practice would also like technical assistance to increase HPV vaccination.
Update on HPV-related Head and Neck Cancers
HPV Vaccines: Where We Are
Resources for Providers to Address Parent Concerns
Increasing Vaccination Rates in a Community Clinic
Packet handouts and other resources
American Cancer Society
Just the Facts – for providers
Steps for Increasing HPV Vaccination in Practice – for providers
American Academy of Pediatrics – California Chapter 3
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Just Another Shot – Video for Providers
Science magazine published special issue about "The Vaccine Wars"
On April 28, Science magazine published a special issue about what they referred to as "The Vaccine Wars." The issue includes the following five articles: